This year, we have five new ambitious projects in residency in collaboration with Dansverkstæðið. We will hold an informal opening for our audiences to come and hang out, have a drink and engage with some of the works in their early stages of development on Wednesday the 4th of September from 17:00-19:00 at Dansverkstæðið - Hjarðarhagi 47, 107 Reykjavík.
For now, let's meet the artists and hear about their projects!
Aude Busson & Sigríður Sunna Reynisdóttir - LeikHúsið
In this work, we want to explore the theater as a space where everyone can play, in contrast to the classical idea of a theater where the audience watches someone else perform. Most likely, the project will become a playground for children and adults, where play can transform into a short performance.
In "LeikHúsið," we want to examine children's play from their perspective as well as that of adults. Children will talk about play in the present moment, while adults will discuss their memories of playing as children.
We will also explore the physical concept of the "LeikHús" (Theatre), creating a physical house/structure using materials. We will start by working with purchased toy-building materials, plastic tubes that can be connected into a large structure, along with tape to create different spaces on the floor. We will incorporate this material into our improvisation and also invite others to play with it, thereby exploring the play involved in building or deconstructing/destroying the structure.
Anna Kolfinna Kuran & Elísabet Birta Sveinsdóttir (Dætur) - Jello!
Jello! by Dætur is a sensual jiggly dinner party experience in which two performers become one with a garden of jello sculptures on top of a big table. The audience seated at the table are brought on a jellicious journey full of nostalgia and reimagining. In the RDF summer residency at Dansverkstæðið the duo will begin their first experiments with making jello sculptures, exploring moving with jello and creating visual material.
Dætur is a long term performance project of artists Anna Kolfinna Kuran and Elísabet Birta Sveinsdóttir who have collaborated on various works researching queer feminism in different contexts since 2013. Serving and consuming food has been an important part of previous Dætur performances and become a strong characteristic of their work. The duo will be adapting their methods and aesthetics to this new and vibrant work in close collaboration with designer Guðný Hrund Sigurðardóttir and photographer Eva Schram.
Felix Urbina - Song of the Rebel Flower
Song of the Rebel Flower (IS: “Látið Blómin Tala”) is thought as a transgressive choral ritual; an ode to mystic nature and revelrous other-being.
As of now the project includes 4 sonic performers and myself. The overall aim is to create an embodied song within experimental corporealities, all the while inviting the audience into a felt introspective journey that guides them to reconsider the possibility of coexistence as a radical tool for change.
The piece touches on embodied feelings related to ecological disaster, afterlife, queer embodiments and the friction between brown/migrant body integrating into Icelandic folk.
Working Group: Cameron Anderton, Bergþóra Ægisdóttir, Maurizio Vuolo, Ida Schuften
Snædís Lilja Ingadóttir og Sigríður Ásta Olgeirsdóttir (Sviðslistahópurinn Gleym-mér-ei) - Óður til móður
Verkið er dansverk fyrir tvo leikara/dansara þar sem notast er við videólist í samtali við lifandi flutning. Verkefnið er tvíþætt; annarsvegar sýning í afskekktri sundlaug úti á landi (Brautartungu í Lundarreykjadal) og svo sviðsverk þar sem myndbönd og ljósmyndir úr sundlaugarverkinu eru notuð sem spegill á verkið á þurru landi.
Hver er munurinn a líkama í vatni og líkama á bakka? Hver er munurinn á fáklæddum líkama og fullklæddum líkama? Hver er munurinn á hreyfingum í vatni og upp úr vatni? Verkið er óður til kvenlíkamans, í öllu sínu veldi; fellingar, hrukkur, appelsínuhúð, gæsahúð, skvabb, mjúkar línur, beinaber svæði o.s.frv.
Vigíds Birna Grétarsdóttir
Near the end of 2023 I reached out to autistic facebook groups looking for people who might be interested in participating in my graduation work from the Iceland University of the Arts. Through that facebook post I found an amazing group of fellow autistic artists and now friends. In our time working together we have had many ideas that could not be realised because of the structure we were working within.
Now we want to try these ideas out and see what we are outside the structure of the project that brought us together in the first place. This might be the start of something new or it might be the closing of a chapter. But either way it will be true to us.