Harun Morrison (UK)
Sjóminjasafnið í Reykjavík / Heimasíða RDF
Laugardaginn 18. nóvember - 10:00-17:00 (Lengd: 2 mínútur)
Sunnudaginn 19. nóvember - 10:00-17:00 (Lengd: 2 mínútur)
Aðgengi: Hjólastólaaðgengi á safninu er almennt gott. Á ganginu að klósettunum er aðgengisrampur, hinsvegar er hurðin ekki sjálfvirk.
Sound Work: How To Do Things With Non-Words
“Ég varð meðvitaður um ekki-orð við lestur tölublaðs af Journal of British Language and Communication Disorders í eigu systur minnar sem er talmeinafræðingur. Í blaðinu var tafla með fjörutíu pörum af sífellt flóknari ekki-orðum. Hér hef ég endurskapað hana og stækkað. Til viðbótar við veggspjaldið eru orðin sungin af lista- og tónlistarkonunni Leu Rüegg í Zurich. Talmeinafræðingar nota ekki-orð sem greiningartæki á málfærni (sérstaklega hljóðskilningi). Ekki-orð fylgja dæmigerðri uppbyggingu orða í viðkomandi tungumáli en eru ekki til. Manneskjan sem verið er að prófa getur ekki reitt sig á hið kunnuglega eða aðra félagslega þætti. Titillinn á verkinu er innblásinn af bók J.L. Austin, How To Do Things With Words (1955/1962).”
– Harun Morrison
Upphaflega unnið sem hluti af Not Standing in Place, verkefni þeirra Vlötku Horvat & Tim Etchells, Zurich: Theater Spektakel Festival, 2021.
Um listamanninn
Harun Morrison er listamaður og rithöfundur sem býr á húsbáti á skipaskurðum Bretlands. Listsköpun hans spannar rýmishönnun, texta, vídeó og hljóð. Hann er nú listamaður hjá Greenpeace UK en starfaði áður við hönnun og rannsóknir hjá V&A Dundee í Skotlandi.
Harun tók nýlega þátt í samsýningunni Chronic Hunger, Chronic Desire í Timișoara í Rúmeníu á vegum Menningarborgar Evrópu 2023. Af einkasýningum á síðustu árum má nefna Dolphin Head Mountain í Horniman Museum, London (2022-23), Mark The Spark í Nieuwe Vide í Haarlem, Hollandi (2022) og Experiments with Everyday Objects, Eastside Projects, Birmingham (2021). Harun vinnur að því að hanna og standsetja garð fyrir geðheilsuþjónustuna Mind Sheffield á vegum Arts Catalyst-rannsóknarverkefnisins Emergent Ecologies og þróar einnig verkefnið Environmental Justice Questions.
How To Do Things With Non-Words og Harun Morrison eru meðframleidd af apap — FEMINIST FUTURES, sem er styrkt af Creative Europe áætlun Evrópusambandsins.
Harun Morrison (UK)
Reykjavík Maritime Museum / RDF WEBSITE
Saturday 18th November - 10:00-17:00 (Duration: 2 minutes)
Sunday 19th November - 10:00-17:00 (Duration: 2 minutes)
Accessibility: Wheelchairs access throughout the museum is generally good. The corridor to the toilets has an access ramp; however, the door is not automated.
Sound Work: How To Do Things With Non-Words
“I became aware of ‘non-words’ via an issue of the Journal of British Language and Communication Disorders that belonged to my sister, a speech therapist. It featured a table of 40 pairs of non-words of increasing complexity. Here it has been replicated and enlarged. The poster is accompanied by the voice of Zurich based artist and musician Lea Rüegg singing the words. Speech-therapists use non-words as a diagnostic tool to gauge language skills (especially phonetic decoding ability). Non-words follow the typical structure of a word in a given language, but do not exist. The person being tested cannot rely on pre-familiarity and other social factors. The title of this work riffs on language philosopher J.L. Austin’s text How To Do Thing With Words (1955/1962).”
– Harun Morrison
Originally commissioned as part of ‘Not Standing In Place’, a project by Vlatka Horvat & Tim Etchells, Zurich: Theater Spektakel Festival, 2021.
About the artist
Harun Morrison is an artist and writer living on a narrowboat on the UK inland waterways. His practice spans spatial design, text, video and sound. He is currently an associate artist with Greenpeace UK and former Designer and Researcher in Residence at V&A Dundee, Scotland.
Harun has recently contributed to the group exhibition Chronic Hunger, Chronic Desire in Timișoara, Romania, as part of the European Capital of Culture 2023 programme. Solo exhibitions in the last few years include, Dolphin Head Mountain at the Horniman Museum, London (2022 -23), Mark The Spark at Nieuwe Vide project space in Haarlem, Netherlands (2022) and Experiments with Everyday Objects, Eastside Projects, Birmingham, (2021). Harun continues to develop and repair a garden for Mind Sheffield, a mental health support service, as part of the Arts Catalyst research project, Emergent Ecologies, and is producing an evolving publication, Environmental Justice Questions.
How To Do Things With Non-Words and Harun Morrison are co-produced in the frame of apap — FEMINIST FUTURES, a project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.