
When the Bleeding Stops 2023

When the Bleeding Stops

Lovísa Ósk Gunnarsdóttir (IS)

Borgarleikhúsið, Stóra svið
Sunnudaginn 19. nóvember - 21:00
4.900 kr.

Aðgengi: Í Borgarleikhúsinu er hjólastólaaðgengi og aðgengileg klósett.

When the Bleeding Stops

Í verkinu “When the Bleeding Stops” fjallar Lovísa Ósk Gunnarsdóttir um þögnina og skömmina sem virðist einkenna breytingaskeiðiði í vestrænu samfélagi og persónulega reynslu sína af því að eldast sem dansari. Áhorfendum er boðið inn í heim, fullan af næmni, skömm, samkennd og húmor. Verkið flytur okkur eitt augnablik inn á heimili kvennanna sem tekið hafa þátt, kafar djúpt í hina marglaga reynslu og upplifun tengda breytingaskeiðinu og býður okkur fagna því að eldast. 

Um listamanninn
Dancer and choreographer Lovísa Ósk Gunnarsdóttir has danced her whole life. She started performing in her living room at the age of four and was a member of Iceland Dance Company for sixteen years. Five years ago, at the age of forty, she suffered an injury that forced her to reconsider her relationship with dance, the body, and her artistic practice. This led her to a master’s degree in performance Practice at Iceland ́s University of the Arts where she conducted research that revolved around connecting to the body ́s deeply embedded knowledge, history, and experience and to menopause. Out of this research Lovísa created the performance When the Bleeding Stops and is currently touring with it around Europe.

Lovísa Ósk Gunnarsdóttir (IS)

Reykjavík City Theatre, Big stage
Sunday the 19th November - 21:00
4.900 ISK

Accessibility: Reykjavík City Theatre has wheelchair access and accessible toilets.

When the Bleeding Stops

A performance work by Lovísa Ósk Gunnarsdóttir, When the Bleeding Stops tackles the silence and taboo that seems to engulf menopause in Western society, as well as Lovísa ́s personal experience of ageing as a dancer.

When the Bleeding Stops invites the audience into a world of vulnerability, shame, empathy, and humor. The work transports us into the privacy of the participants' homes, dives deep into the many layers of the female experience associated with menopause and invites us to celebrate life in all its stages.