
Neind Thing

Neind Thing

Inga Huld Hákonardóttir (IS)

Miðvikudaginn 15. nóvember - 19:00
3900 kr

Aðgengi: Í Tjarnarbíó er hjólastólaaðgengi og aðgengileg klósett.

Neind Thing

Neind Thing er dansverk eftir Ingu Huld Hákonardóttur, framið af 3 sviðslistakonum, trommara og ljósahönnuði. Neind Thing leitast við að umbreyta ástandi óreiðu og ömurleika í rými til að tengjast, dreyma, íhuga, dansa og leika. Neind byggir á þrá okkar til þess að frelsast frá öngum nútímans, vonleysi gagnvart dystópískri framtíð, stöðugu áreiti miðla og ekki síst þversagnakenndum og athyglistelandi netheimi. Leikurinn er: Neitið og þér munið finna; nýja neind, nýtt zen, nýjar leiðir, nýja vini, ný lönd, nýjar hugmyndir, nýtt everything!

Um listamanninn
Verk Ingu Huldar Hákonardóttur eru á sviði gjörninga og dansmíða og leggja áherslu á endursköpun sambands á milli miðla. Eftir útskrift úr skólanum P.A.R.T.S hefur hún sett upp verk bæði hérlendis og erlendis. Neind Thing er nýjasta verk hennar og stingur upp á leit að neind, sem mótsögn við athyglis stelandi samfélagi.  Í verkinu Again The Sunset var unnið var með tónlistarmanninum Yann Leguay voru sköpuð ný hljóðfæri úr hráum erfiðið sem mótuðu hreyfingar líkamans og áferð radd tjáningar. Verkið The Valley sem unnið var með Rósu Ómarsdóttur var stórlega innblásið af Foley hljóð list í kvikmyndagerð og hlutu þær Grímuverðlaunverkum sem danshöfundur ársins fyrir það. Önnur verk þeirra saman eru t.d. Wilhelm Scream og Da Da Dans- samið fyrir Íslenska dansflokkinn. Inga kemur oft fram í verkum annarra sviðshöfunda og hefur t.d. unnið með listamönnum eins og Phia Ménard, Salva Sanchis, Ernu Ómarsdóttur, Eleanor Bauer, Veli Lehtovaara, Rósu Ómarsdóttur og fleirum.

Inga Huld Hákonardóttir (IS)

Wednesday 15th November - 19:00
3900 ISK

Access: Tjarnarbíó has wheelchair access and accessible toilets

Neind Thing

Neind Is Not Everything; It’s Every Thing:
What if the answer to everything was nothing? Neind is the Icelandic word for nothing. In Neind Thing (Nothing Thing) we ask nothing to solve the problems of the world. Nothingness as a practice of elimination, as a dance, as a symbol and a ritual.

Neind Thing is a dance performance by 3 dancers, a drummer and a lighting designer. All are actively Neinding. Together, we nothing.

The performance moves between a presentation of a meticulous dance practice, an intense punk concert and a surreal meta-fictional theater.

Neind Thing is based on the desire to be freed from our current anxieties, from hopelessness in the face of a dystopian future, from constant media stimuli and a paradoxical attention-stealing online world. We contemplate nothing’s potential; our right to nothingness as a form of resistance. We seek nothingness as a pathway to freedom; freedom from chaos and unwanted distractions, freedom to care, freedom to choose what we pay attention to and how.

We employ Neind as a tactic to stave off the incessant overload present in its opposite, Everything. Neind is the freedom to appear.

About the artist
The work of Inga Huld Hákonardóttir is situated in the field of performance and choreography. Her work focuses on seeking friction between the symbolic and the sensorial, often blurring the borders of mediums. Neind Thing is her most recent work and proposes a quest for nothingness, through forms of positive rejection as reaction to an omnipresent overload and overstimulation. In Again The Sunset, created with musician Yann Leguay, unusual materials are presented as instruments and these instruments are put in conversation with the moving body and vocal expression. Inspired by the art of Foley, an experimentation with objects and materials in relation to the body is also present in her works with Rósa Ómarsdóttir such as in The Valley, Wilhelm Scream, and Da Da Dans. Inga also performs in works of other authers and has worked with artists such as Phia Ménard, Salva Sanchis, Erna Ómarsdóttir, Eleanor Bauer, Veli Lehtovaara, Rósa Ómarsdóttir and others.