Talk: Art and Activism - Feminist School Harun Morrison and Anne Lise Le Gac (UK/FR) The Iceland University of the Arts - 10:30-12:00 (Wednesday)
Reading Group: My soul grown deep like the rivers. Creating emotional audiopapers. - Feminist School Wiola Ujazdowska (PO/IS) Dansverkstæðið - 12:45-14:30 (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)
Talk: Queering Artistic Feedback - Feminist School Szymon Adamczak (PO/NT) The Iceland University of the Arts - 10:30-12:00 (Thursday)
Talk: Feminist Futures - Can there be a feminist future within performing arts? - Feminist School APAP Network (EU) The Iceland University of the Arts - 10:30-12:00 (Friday)
Workshop: The Way of the Cat - Feminist School Kaisa Kukkonen, Milla Martikainen & Lea Kieffer (FI/DE) Dansverkstæðið - 10:00-13:00 (Saturday)
Inclusivity in Dance & Choreographic Practices - Feminist School Rebecca Hidalgo & Embla Guðrúnar Ágústsdóttir (IS) Dansverkstæðið - 13:30-15:30 (Saturday)
Pooling Together - Feminist School Critical Practice Made in YU (2023-2024) (EU) TBC - 13:00-15:00 (Saturday)