
Sonya Lindfors

Listaháskóli Íslands
Listamanna spjall með Sonya Lindfors
Föstudagur 15. nóvember 10:30 - 12:00
Kassinn, L223, Laugarnesvegur 91, 105 Reykjavík

Aðgengi: Opið öllum, viðburðurinn fer fram á ensku


Listamannaspjall með Sonyu Lindfors
Vinna með f(r)ictions – samtal um nýlendu-, .þverfaglegleika og íhugandi venjur.

Sonya Lindfors (1985) er Kamerúnsk - finnskur danshöfundur og listrænn stjórnandi sem vinnur einnig við að leiðbeina, skipuleggja samfélag og fræðslu. Árið 2013 hlaut hún MA í danssmíði frá Listaháskólanum í Helsinki.
Hún er stofnmeðlimur og listrænn stjórnandi UrbanApa, þverfaglegs listasamfélags sem býður upp á vettvang fyrir nýja orðræðu og femíníska listhætti. UrbanApa stendur meðal annars fyrir vinnustofum, hátíðum, rannsóknarstofum, kennslu og útgáfum.
Lindfors gerir sín eigin verk og samverkandi verk eins og gjörninga, sýningarstjórnun og gjörninga. Gjörningaverk hennar hafa verið sýnd og studd af Beursschouwburg, Kampnagel, Spring Utrecht, CODA - festival, Black Box Theatre Oslo, Zodiak - Center for New Dance meðal annarra. Hún er meðlimur í Miracle Workers Collective sem var fulltrúi Finnlands á 58. Feneyjatvíæringnum.
Nýleg verk Lindfors One Drop (2023), something like this (2023), common moves (2023), camouflage (2021), Soft Variations Online (2020), Cosmic Latte (2018) og We Should All Be Dreaming (2018) snúast um spurningar í kringum Blackness og svarta líkamspólitík, framsetningu og valdastrúktúr, spákaupmennsku framtíðinnar og draumhætti af nýlendutímanum. Í stórum stíl skiptist tími Lindfors á milli hennar eigin listaverka, fræðslustarfs og starfsins sem listræns stjórnanda UrbanApa. Í öllum störfum sínum leitast hún við að skapa og stuðla að andkynþáttafordómum og femínískum vettvangi þar sem hátíð, gjörningur, rit eða vinnustofa geta starfað sem vettvangur valdeflingar og róttækra sameiginlegra drauma.
Lindfors hefur hlotið nokkur verðlaun, þau nýjustu eru alþjóðlegu Live art Anti Prize 2018 og State Award for Public Information árið 2022. Á tímabilinu 2017 – 2018 var Lindfors danshöfundur hússins hjá Zodiak – miðstöð nýdans í Helsinki, Finlandi.

Iceland University of the Arts
Artist talk with Sonya Lindfors
Friday 15th November 10:30 - 12:00
Black Box, L223, Laugarnesvegur 91, 105 Reykjavík

Access: Open to all, the event is held in english

Artist talk with Sonya Lindfors
Working with f(r)icions – conversation on decolonial, intersectional and speculative practices

Sonya Lindfors (1985) is a Cameroonian - Finnish choreographer and artistic director that also works with facilitating, community organizing and education. In 2013 she received a MA in choreography from the University of the Arts Helsinki.
She is the founding member and Artistic Director of UrbanApa, an inter-disciplinary and counter hegemonic arts community that offers a platform for new discourses and feminist art practices. UrbanApa facilitates workshops, festivals, labs, mentoring and publications among other things.
Lindfors makes her own and collaborative works such as performances, curated programs and performative actions. Her performance works have been shown and supported by Beursschouwburg, Kampnagel, Spring Utrecht, CODA - festival, Black Box Theater Oslo, Zodiak - Centre for New Dance among others. She is a member of Miracle Workers Collective that represented Finland at the 58th Venice Biennale.
Lindfors’s recent works One Drop (2023), something like this (2023), common moves (2023), camouflage (2021), Soft Variations Online (2020), Cosmic Latte (2018) and We Should All Be Dreaming (2018) centralize questions around Blackness and Black body politics, representation and power structures, speculative futurieties and decolonial dreaming practices. On a larger scale Lindfors’s time is divided between her own artistic work , educational work and working as the artistic director of UrbanApa. In all her positions she pursues creating and facilitating anti-racist and feminist platforms, where a festival, a performance, a publication or a workshop can operate as the site of empowerment and radical collective dreaming.
Lindfors has been awarded with several prizes, the latest of which being the international Live art Anti Prize 2018 and the State Award for Public Information in 2022. During the season 2017 – 2018 Lindfors was the house choreographer for Zodiak – center for new dance.